Some kind words from Chris Krycho on Buttondown's Alternatives page:
This is how I want all my tools to be. There is a ton of room in these markets for healthy and friendly competition — and no need at all for winner-take-all or monopolist attitudes.
First off — credit where it's due, I originally came across this genre of page on Memberful's site, and my reaction was pretty much the exact same as Chris's.
Two other points I'd make in favor of this page, or at least something spiritually akin to it:
- All of Buttondown's product missteps [1] come from feedback from well-meaning, pleasant customers who deep-down are interested in a different product entirely. Being quite vocal about knowing who we're building for is a good reinforcement mechanism to make sure the customer feedback we get (both implicit and explicit) is coming from the right people, and not someone really enthusiastic about our brand + ethos but is really just looking for a CMS.
- People have loud mouths and long memories, especially in long-term, infrastructural spaces like e-mail. My second-largest-customer by LTV was referred by someone who trialed and liked Buttondown and ended up going with a different product because we didn't have omni-channel; we have many customers who don't use us for their first company and then switch to us for their second company; my personal favorite anecdote is screenshotted below, where a customer who tried Buttondown shortly after launch (who I then referred to a different product that had better pricing at the time) came back six years later.
This applies more to companies as described in Befriending the Goon Squad, where your main goal is continued survival rather than winning a time-sensitive land-grab (or, if you're really early on in your product's life, it can be useful to yes-and every single customer request to random-walk your way to PMF — but neither of these options are things that I would personally do myself nor recommend to others.)
of which there are thankfully fairly few, but that's a separate essay for a different day. ↩︎