It has been a while since I shipped a new thing; it felt good to get back in the saddle, even if the project was so small as to barely warrant the price of the (admittedly fun) domain. I present, a constellation of various once-internal PDFs for company culture. (This was inspired by the brouhaha around Mr. Beast's leaked manual.)

The entire contents is open source, though I'm using Blot to host it.

I was thinking about using this as an opportunity to kick the tires on Astro, but the sheer paucity of content and the fact that I really wanted to get this across the finish line in the course of a one-hour lunch break led me to Blot, which I had never used before but had roughly pigeonholed as "the easiest way to ship very simple static content".

That pigeonholing turned out to be accurate! There was a bit of onboarding jank choosing a theme and getting the DNS records set up (when is there not?) but I was very happy with how Blot performed. Moreover, the thing that really impressed me with Blot was just how fast deploys are. I hit git push blot and by the time I hop over to Chrome and refresh the tab the changes are there.

It is a good reminder of the strides that we've made on the Buttondown front with CI โ€” down roughly from twenty minutes end-to-end to ten โ€” might be impressive in a relative sense but we've got a long way to go in an absolute sense.

There's no real "endgame" with, but it got some solid traction on Twitter and ended up with a dozen GitHub stars and around three thousand pageviews. I'll take it!

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About the author

I'm Justin Duke โ€” a software engineer, writer, and founder. I currently work as the CEO of Buttondown, the best way to start and grow your newsletter, and as a partner at Third South Capital.

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